Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sending Love to China

We were able to send a care package to Isaac in China. We were thrilled to hear about where Ann will put together a care package and contact the orphanage on our behalf.
We were able to send candies for the director and the nannies, a camera so that they can take pictures of Isaac, along with 4 pictures that we hope will help prepare Isaac to join our family. We sent a picture of his new mama & baba. A picture of his baba with his Aunt Lynne. A picture of his mama with his Aunt Wendy, who will be his babysitter once mama returns to work, and a picture of his gou (dog). We also sent him a toy truck. In addition to the items in our care package Ann translated a letter to the director of the orphanage. We were able to ask questions that we hope will help make Isaac's transition into our family go more smoothly.

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