Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Miracles

Easter is such a special time. A time to remember and reflect upon the sacrifice of my Savior and to ponder the miracle of His gift to me that I can enter into the presence of God. Wow! I really can't imagine that and we tend to think we have the right and don't always see this as a privilege, when before Jesus sacrificed for us the high priest could only enter the Holy of Holies once each year; but now, I can come before my God and King anytime through the gift of Jesus. I hope that I can respect that. I know that I don't respect it the way that I would like to in my every day life, but I hope that I will continue to grow and become the woman God has created me to be. The words from Jeremiah 29:11-14 are a promise for each of us, and I am amazed to see His plan unfold before my eyes, and to see that His plan is far beyond my imaginings, "'For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,' declares the LORD, 'and will bring you back from captivity.'" Captivity is different for each of us, the sin in our lives is our captivity, but the LORD promises to carry us back from captivity when we seek after him. I pray that this year I will grow closer to my LORD and that I will be a better woman next year at this time. I pray that this year I will learn more about my God and that I will begin to understand the miracle of Easter and Jesus' sacrifice in a way I never have in the past.
My amazing LORD gave me a wonderful gift last Easter, a gift separate from my salvation gift, a gift that every mama looks forward to from the day her child first is welcomed into her loving embrace. Last Easter Isaac had been home about six months, but at 20 months old he still hadn't said his first word. He had babbled, but we were still waiting for the first words. After church we were out on the trampoline at my parents house jumping and having fun when Isaac said "Mama" for the first time. It was music to my ears. It was not only his first word, but it was for me. He had babbled the sounds mama before, but until last Easter Sunday the sounds mama were just that, sounds as my baby babbled. That day he looked at me and hugged me saying Mama. I knew then that Mama was me. I never knew a word could sound so sweet, I wonder if that is how our Father feels when we cry out to him and say His name. Does His heart swell? Is He filled with love as He hears us call to him? As my heart expands with love at the sweet sounds of my little guys voice as he calls, "Mama" I can't help but think my Heavenly Father's heart is filled with a similar love for me, when He hears me call to him.
The whole family had a blast watching Isaac canvass the yard for Easter eggs, but the thing that really touched my heart was hearing Isaac sing worship songs to the King of Kings. Craig and I were working in the back tech area like we do most Sundays when Grandma sprang Isaac from the nursery. He just loves to sing and he really enjoys joining in at the end of the service during worship. Today as he entered we were singing "I exalt thee, I exalt thee, I exalt thee, Oh Lord" Isaac was singing his little heart out and my heard swelled with joy! I can't imagine how pleased the Lord is with Isaac's singing. Like he does on most Sundays, Isaac rushed up the aisle to go to the stage to sing with Miss Rose, today I stayed at the alter and Isaac was ok going up with Rose all by himself. He sang the rest of "I exalt thee." and then they finished the service with "Hallelujah." Rose knelt down to be at Isaac's level and they shared the microphone, I need to get a copy of today's service! As they ended, the song in his trademark way he said, "Yeah Jesus!" Oh my heart was so full of love and joy, I can't imagine how that made God feel.
Last year I got a single word, "mama" today I got to hear my little boy sing worship to our Lord. I know that God has amazing plans for the little boy. I am amazed at the miracle that brought Isaac into my family and I am excited to see what the Lord has in store for my little guy.

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