Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Speak Up for "SAY"

The super big toy company Mattel is sueing a minor small business over the use of the word "say." It is preposturous that something like this could make it into the court systems and onto a judges docket when their are real issues in the world. SuperDuper is a small publisher that makes speech products and other things for children with special needs. We use some of their products with Isaac and I believe that his speech therapist gets some of her things from this company as well. We have been told about this small business from different speech therapists and when he was tested to qualify for the speech program with the public school system.

I am so unbelievably upset that Mattel thinks they have a trademark on the word "say." Are they for real!? Seriously?! I mean we say things all day, the word say is a major word for a speech therapist, I can't imagine them going through a session without using the word "say" as part of the session. Now Mattel wants them to change the name of some of their materials or to pay them (Mattel) millions of dollars for using the word "say." What #$@#$#@%% I don't know how many characters I put there, but it would suffice for whatever mean word you could think to use in place of them. Since this is a public blog I don't want the public to think poorly of my use of the English language or to be sued by some crazy person who thinks they have the rights of all bad language. Whatever.

SO WHAT CAN YOU DO??? Contact Mattel and tell them to have the courts to vacate the judgment against Super Duper, and then tell them to leave this special needs company alone. Follow this link for various contact information.

Even if your child has not used the SuperDuper products there is a chance that someone you know and love does or has in the past. Thank you for taking the time to read this and to consider helping.

1 comment:

Hanna T(A.K.A your fav student said...

grr mattel