Monday, November 10, 2008


Yeah! I don't have anything metal in my ear! However, I did have a large amount of dried blood in my left ear. It was a crazy experience at the doctor's office. They had to wrap the poor little guy up like a papoose and strap him to the table so that he didn't jerk around and cause more damage as they were looking into his ears.
The doctor had to irrigate his ears with warm water to clear up built up wax and a large amount of dried blood. He screamed and screamed and I felt so bad! After she irrigated his ear she used tweezers and pulled out a rather large piece of dried blood. It was probably the size of this lower case "o."

He has to go back in two weeks to double check to see if his ear drum ruptured and is draining. They are going to do an ear test and make sure his hearing is ok. I have to irrigate his ears twice a day to make sure that they continue to drain right so that he can heal properly.
This is a busy week! Tonight our church is hosting a National Adoption Month meeting and Craig and I will be talking about our adoption journey. I'm going to try to get someone to take a picture for us so that we can post it.

More updates to come.

1 comment:

Jesse, James and Lindsey's mom said...

Ohh I am so sorry for you boy and for you!! Every time we go the ENT with Lindsey she starts to scream when the nurse comes to get her. The last ear check took 2 nurses and me to hold her down and the doc to check her is not fun!! Big hugs that all continues to go well!!