What a wonderful day.
I keep telling our adoption agency that I need a miracle when I see their time lines. And I keep getting the miracles that I tell them I need!! According to the time lines our NVC letter should arrive around November 13th on the short end, but it arrived on Monday, November 8th!!!! So yesterday I learned that the last families they want to go to China this year will leave on December 17th so I told them that I needed to be part of that group. The guy probably thought I was delusional, at times I think I'm delusional, but as I said the last post, my hope is in the Lord.
We are now awaiting Article 5 from the US Consulate in Guangzhou where they will affirm that all of our paperwork is in order before China can issue travel approval. According to time lines we can expect to receive Travel Approval in about 5 weeks and expect to travel 4-6 weeks from there. Which would mean that we would travel in early January.
I know families received Article 5 in October are still awaiting travel approval. Some have received it and some have not. Their really doesn't seem to be a method to the madness, but the one thing I have learned through two adoptions is that the only predictable thing when it comes to adoption is to expect the unexpected.
So I am expecting the unexpected. I still continue to hope and have faith that we can travel in December. Am I delusional? Time will tell. This could be the biggest miracle many of us have seen or I could learn that maybe at times I should be more trusting of man and the parameters we set out, but so far my experience is teaching me that God's ways are not our ways and that His timeline trumps mans. So until HE makes it clear that it is HIS will that we not travel in 2010 then and only then will I accept that we are to travel in early 2011.
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