Monday, January 17, 2011

The Forbidden City - Sat. 1/15 - I thought this posted days ago

I can't blog from here so I'm doing it via e-mail.  Thank you to whoever told me how to do it.  I'm not sure who did, but THANK YOU!!!!  I'm putting the camera name of the picture, I don' t know if they'll show up or not, but they go with the descriptions. 
I thought this posted days ago.  I just got the email notice saying that it bounced back because the file was too large.  So here we go again.  It took me three times to post the silk factory, but it bounced back immediately. 
We went to the Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square today.  BRRRR!!!! C-O-L-D!!!! They told us that it would be cold, the lied, it was SUPER, VERY, HORRIBLY COLD!!!  Immagine the exact opposite of the hottest Florida summer and then go several degrees colder.  Oh my goodness! 
Here we are at the start of our trip through the Forbidden City North Side entrance.  We were cold, but we had no idea how much colder we would get. DSCN(0313)
Rubbing the knobs for good luck! (DSCN0327)
I brought the carrier and he would have NOTHING to do with it.  So carrying him was so much worse because he was over the carrier. (DSCN0375)
Isaac was totally miserable and then he cried, which had to make his poor face colder.  Here is a picture of him huddled up with Mom tucked under her coat as our guide talked about Tiananmen Square after we had FINALLY made it through the Forbidden City.  (DSCN0374)

Matthew 13:45-46 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls.
When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.

I am a PearlofGr8Value in God's eyes.

1 comment:

Dannye said...

sounds horrible being that cold, just wanted to let you know, saw the first picture but none of the other pictures made it (just their names). Looking forward to seeing them when you can. Love the updates.